Dreams and Dovetails
We didn’t really begin to appreciate dovetail construction until we moved to the Ozarks. Coming from Colorado, we were most familiar with the western style round log cabins that are saddle notched. They work great in the dry air out west, but according to an old-timer that still hand-hews logs, the dovetail flat-log cabins far outlast the round in a humid environment.
Dovetailing is a time-tested method for joining logs. In fact, you can find original homesteads still standing 100 years or more after they were built. Impressive for wood in a soggy climate!
The dovetail itself is a specialized notch, with different angles designed to lock the logs together tighter and stronger as the weight above increases. It can take a pro an hour to cut one joint. But the right tool can make all the difference.
If you can run a chainsaw, you can notch your logs with Dovetail Cabin Jig. Clamp the Dovetail Jig to your milled log and you can cut a perfect dovetail in minutes, even if you’ve never cut one before.
We really did dream of building a log home for years.Truly, we have a set of blueprints that Jared had made long before we even met! For so long it felt like that dream was going nowhere. Looking back it’s clear God’s hand has been on it the whole time. He supplied a mill and later some logs that really did sit on the ground for way too long. Then, some friends came alongside with a tool that made a big project possible at just the right time and it inspired us to do the same for you.
To Building Your Dreams,
Jared & Cori